Hogwarts legacy steam deck
Hogwarts legacy steam deck

As the creators are constantly working to enhance its performance on various systems, we can expect even better performance in the future. Hogwarts Legacy appears to be functioning better than what was anticipated of it on the Steam Deck. Yet, it appears that the Steam Deck has endured, and many are enjoying playing Hogwarts Legacy on the portable console since it was ranked first on the list of the top 20 Steam Deck games played in March.īetter late than never! Here's a quick look at the top 20 games of March on Steam Deck, sorted by playtime. Many people had low hopes for the Steam Deck running Hogwarts Legacy before its debut since they believed the hardware was inadequate for the demanding nature of the game. Hogwarts Legacy was released on February 10th for consoles and was verified for the Steam Deck at launch. Despite all of its challenges, the game has been a massive success and has managed to win over players worldwide with its captivating story and stunning visuals. Hogwarts Legacy has shown no signs of stopping since it was released a month ago, shattering the already high expectations from the fans.

Hogwarts legacy steam deck